
Umatilla County


County Information

Umatilla County traces its creation in 1862 to the regional gold rushes, which spawned the riverport of Umatilla City and brought stockraisers to the lush grasslands. Although Lewis and Clark and the Oregon Trail pioneers passed through Umatilla County, it did not bloom until the arrival of the railroad in 1881 and the development of dryland wheat farming. Water in the form of irrigation has been key to economic diversification and growth, most recently in the Hermiston area, where the desert now yields lush watermelons and other products. Tourism is also increasingly important to Umatilla County where “Let-er-Buck” is heard by Pendleton Round-Up crowds. Oregon Blue Book:
Contact Info
Umatilla County
Department of Administrative Services
216 SE 4th Street
Pendleton OR 97801

Hours: 8:00-5:00 M-F
Phone: 541-278-6297
Fax #: 541-278-5463

Records Office
Hours: 9:00-5:00 M-F

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